Dr. Faith E. Leuschen
Total Body Balance
Established in 1996

   Concern for others well being and striving to make a difference in the quality of people's lives has always been a priority in my life. I went into Holistic Health Care to make a difference in people on a physical health basis including structural, cellular and emotional. Chiropractic was a perfect link in the combination of everything I have studied and continue to study as advances are made.

   I was influenced at a young age into a life of bodybuilding and mastering my own body. This lead me into a life based around nutrition and exercise. At 19 years old, I injured my low back. My back pain continued with no relief from the medical field. I was on my way to becoming a medical doctor, doing my undergrad work at CSULB. I than met a chiropractor that changed my life. He adjusted me once and my back pain was 90% better without the use of medication. I immediately applied to Los Angeles College of Chiropractic and was accepted into their program.

   My expertise in human anatomy and biomechanics has opened doors toward testifying as an expert witness and leading authority in fitness equipment, consulting, and caring for patients. I am 14 years in practice and have helped tens of thousands of patients through chiropractic, exercise, nutrition, massage and meditation.

   During my scholastic years, I was able to study under many Masters. I went to as many seminars as possible to learn skills that were not taught at my college. I sought out the originators of each technique. Today I am a black belt at adjusting. There really hasn't been a patient that I haven't been able to help with all sorts of kinds of pains, injuries, or conditions. And if I can't help you, I will get you to the person that can.

Techniques now used in the office:

   I am extremely proficient on cellular health, anti-aging, increasing your energy, decreasing your likelihood of disease and teaching you to do all these things to increase your health.

Let me teach you and guide the way. It actually is very simple.

Did you know that these factors affect your energy level?
The question is:



01/01 to 09/04
Emperor's College
of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Santa Monica, Ca.

08/93 to 12/96
Los Angeles College
of Chiropractic
Whittier, Ca.

Seminars taken outside of LACC
8/87 to 12/92
California State University,
Long Beach
Long Beach, Ca.
Zoology w/ minor in Chemistry

1/90 to 6/90
Orange Coast College
Costa Mesa, Ca.
EMT 1A Certification

5/97 to Present
Dr. Faith E. Leuschen
Chiropractic Corp.
Total Body Balance
Torrance, Ca.

8/96 to 5/97
Fitness Chiropractic
Manhattan Beach, Ca.
Pre and Postceptor

10/84 to Present
Have Faith
Torrance, Ca.
Personal Training
Nutritional analysis
Muscle Balancing